API end point: https://patient360.mydellchildrens.com/P360Member/api/fhir-r4
Get all claim accumulators for the member
Applies to: Patient
Name | Cardinality | Type | Documentation |
coverage-level | 0..1 | string | coverage level: 'Individual' or 'NonIndividual' or empty for both, defaults to both |
start | 0..1 | date | start date, defaults to the beginning of the same year of the end date |
end | 0..1 | date | end date, defaults to the current date |
plan-type | 0..1 | string | |
last-quarter | 0..1 | string |
Name | Cardinality | Type | Documentation |
usage | 0..* | member benefits usage for each coverage | |
desc | 1..1 | string | coverage description, eg 'IND DED IF FAM MBR EQUALS 1' |
networkParticipation | 1..1 | string | 'Participating' or 'Non Participating' |
code | 1..1 | string | accumulator type: 'Deductible', 'OutOfPocketMax' etc. |
benefitValue | 1..1 | decimal | total benefit value |
accumulated | 1..1 | decimal | benefit accumulated to the specified date |
remaining | 1..1 | decimal | remaining benefit |
coverageLevel | 1..1 | string | coverage level: 'Individual', 'Family' etc. |
startDt | 1..1 | date | start date |
endDt | 1..1 | date | end date |